BBSs - meaning and definition. What is BBSs
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BBSS may refer to:
Pronunciation examples for BBSs
1. Everybody's on BBSs.
How The Cult of The Dead Cow Helped Shape Modern Cybersecurity _ Joseph Menn _ Talks at Google
2. management, and so I came out of being on the BBSs back
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Examples of use of BBSs
1. A poll carried out for Bulgaria‘s labour ministry by BBSS Gallup International shows that only 46,000 people there seriously intend to work abroad, with Spain, Germany, Italy and Greece ahead of the UK as their preferred destination.
2. However, the results of a new BBSS Gallup International poll for the Ministry of Labour in Bulgaria shows that only 46,000 people seriously intend to work abroad, with Spain, Germany, Italy and Greece ahead of the UK as their preferred destination.